The main direction of scientific research carried out in the laboratory is a staged and comprehensive study of medicinal plants of Tajikistan at the modern level. The laboratory has developed plans for research cooperation in the field of phytopharmacology with many specialists in various fields in the country and abroad.The scientific activities of laboratory cover the following stages: isolation of medicinal plant extracts; determination of biologically active substances (polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants and other substances), identification of their chemical and structural characteristics by various methods (HPLS, LC-ESI/MS/MS, UPLC, etc.).Testing of isolated extracts of medicinal plants and studying their biological activity are carried out:
• in vivo (using laboratory animals – rabbits, mice, rats);
• in vitro (by enzymatic methods – determination of enzymes PTP-1B; α-glucosidase; DPPH, etc.) to determine the biological characteristics and specific medicinal properties of plants.
The laboratory is equipped with modern facilities and preparations are underway for the establishment of innovative processing and production of medicines.
The Laboratory of Pharmaceuticals and Experimental Medicine continues research within the framework of the project “Study of the chemical composition and accumulating properties of individual plants of the Cruciferae, Asteraceae and Plantaginaceae families, growing in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2020-2024). In the framework of this project scientific articles are published in domestic and foreign scientific editions.
Head of Laboratory, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Sharofova Mizhgona Umedjonovna
*Year of birth: 02/10/1972
*Nationality: Tajik
*Education: Higher
*Year of graduation: 1995, Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali
ibni Sino
*Specialty: General Medicine. Pharmacologist
*Tel.: (+992) 918614123
Work and scientific experience:
1995-2005– Assistant at the Department of Pharmacology with a course of clinical pharmacology at TSMU named after Abuali ibni Sino
2005-2010 – herbalist, pharmacologist of the Republican Center for Oriental Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan
2005-2011 – Executive Director of JSC “International Institute for the Study of Avicenna’s Heritage and Pharmacology”
From 2011-2017 – Director of LLC “Avicenna’s Institute of Medicine and Pharmacology”
09.2017-12.2017 – Head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Microbiology and Pharmacology, State Scientific Institution CIIT AS RT
From 01.2018 to the present – Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine of the State InstitutionCenter for Research of Innovative Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
“Excellence in Health Care of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2015)
Member of the Academy of Proscopic Sciences “KurtcaTaup” (Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016)
International Prize Winner of the 14th International Exhibition and International Forum of Women Inventors – “KIWIE-2021”, KIPO and KWIA in South Korea – Seoul, 2021 (badge and certificate)
Laboratory staff: chief researcher, doctor of medical sciences, professor, oncologist M. Mirshahi; Chief Researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sharofova M.U.; senior researcher, candidate of medical sciences Sagdieva Sh.S.; senior researcher, PhD in organic chemistry Numonov S.R.; senior researcher Samieva Sh.Sh.; senior researcher Boymurodov J.S.; junior researcher Khodzhibaeva L.T.; technician Niyazov B.Yo.
Main published works:
The Laboratory of Pharmaceuticals and Experimental Medicine is conducting scientific activities on the developed project. During the implementation of the project, 24 scientific and 7 popular-scientific articles, 2 methodological developments, as well as 59 conference reports were published in scientific and popular science journals, scientific portals, as well as in collections of conference articles. In particular:
1. Mizhgona Sharofova. Herbal medicine of Kursi Wufarikun Ziyabit inhibits mitochondrial ATP production to activate AMPK in hepatocytes in therapy of type 2 diabetes / Mireguli Yasen, Lan Jiang, Mizhgona Sharofova, Xin Xue-Lei, Yusuf Nuraliev, Jianping Ye, Haji Akber Aisa // bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted September 29, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
2. Sodik Numonov. Chemical composition and biological activities of the essential oils of Artemisia leucotricha growing in Tajikistan / Farukh S Sharopov, Sodik Numonov, Abduahad Safomuddin// Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 5, 804, (2020).
3. Sodik Numonov. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oils from Аrtemisia annua L. growing wild in Tajikistan / Farukh S Sharopov, Aminjon Salimov, Sodik Numonov, Abduahad Safomuddin, Mahinur Bakri, Tojiddin Salimov, William N Setzer, Maidina Habasi // Natural Product Communications 15(5), 19345 (2020).
4. Нуъмонов С.Р. Химический состав и биологическая активность эфирного масла Artemisia leucotricha, произрастающая в Таджикистане / Ф.С. Шаропов, С.Р. Нумонов и др. // Химия природных соединений, 2020, №5, с. 804-805.
5. Sharofova M. First main series of transition elements with atomic numbers from 22 to 29, found in air pollution and detected in the plants from Tajikistan areas /Sharofova M., Abdullaev S., Maslov V., Sagdieva Sh., Shikh E.V., Mirshahi M. // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment volume, 2021, 93, Article number: 127
6. Шарофова М.У. Изучение антидиабетических свойств бессмертника тяньшанского при экспериментальном диабете/ Шарофова М.У., Сагдиева Ш.С., Юсуфи С.Дж., Нуъмонов С.Р., Рахмонов Р.У.// Вопросы биологической, медицинской и фармацевтической химии, 2021, №2, Т. 24., с. 42-48.
7. Sodik Numonov. Chemical Compositions and Biological Activities of Essential Oils-Original Article Phytochemical Study on the Essential Oils of Tarragon (Аrtemisia dracunculus L.) Growing in Tajikistan and Its Comparison With the Essential Oil of the Species in the Rest of the World / F. Sharopov, S. Numonov, A.Salimov, William N Setzer, H. Aisa // Natural Product Communications December 2021, 15(12): pp 1-7.
8. Нуъмонов С.Р. Сухробов П.Ш. и др.Токсичность некоторых эфирных масел флоры Республики Таджикистан в отношении Artemia salina // Наука и инновация, 2021, №4, с. 75-80.
9. Шаропов Ф.С., Нӯъмонов С.Р., Айса Х.А. и др. In silico омўзиши таъсири зидди вирусии компонентҳои фаъоли тахач (Artemisia absinthium L.) ба сафедаҳои ҳадафноки вируси тоҷдори SARS-COV-2 // Илм ва фановарӣ, 2021, №4, с. 173-176.
10. Самиева Ш.Ш. Исследование надземных частей чернушки посевной – Nigella sativa L., произрастающей в Таджикистане / Шарофова М.У., Ш.Ш. Самиева, П.Г. Мизина, Т.Е. Трумпе, С.Р. Нуъмонов, М.Хабаси, Х.Айса, М. Миршохи // Традиционная медицина, №4 (70) 2022. – с. 10-14. DOI: 10.54296/18186173_2022_4_10.
11. Нумонов С.Р. Химический состав и антимикробная активность эфирного масла Anaphalis virgata / М. Bakri, Ф.С. Шаропов, М. Habasi, С.Р. Нумонов, H.A. Aisa // Химия природных соединений. 2023. №2. 328-30.
12. Шарофова М.У. In vivo исследование ранозаживляющей активности полисахаридного геля с инкапсулированным облепиховым маслом (Hippophae rhamnoides) /Олимов М.А, Шарофова М.У., Ходжаева Ф.М., Холбеков А.Д., Бобокалонов Д.Т. // Вестник Авиценны. 2023; 25(1):84-93. https://doi. org/10.25005/2074-0581-2023-25-1-84-93.
13. Сагдиева Ш.С., Шарофова М.У., Самиева Ш.Ш., Хоҷибоева Л.Т., Миршоҳӣ М. «Фитониринг» – самти дурнамои гиёҳдармонии пурсамар. Академический научно-популярный журнал «Илм ва Ҷомеа», 16.11.2023.
14. Сагдиева Ш.С., Шарофова М.У., Самиева Ш.Ш., Миршохи М. О некоторых методах очистки почв и атмосферного воздуха от загрязнений. Академический научно-популярный журнал «Илм ва Ҷомеа», 2023.
15. Шарофова М.У., Сагдиева Ш.С., Самиева Ш.Ш., Миршохи М. Фитониринг – перспективное направление для эффективной фитотерапии. XXII санкт-петербургские фитотерапевтические чтения “Фитотерапия: главные критерии успеха”. Альманах секции фитотерапии, СПб, 18-19.11. 2023. – с.153-157. (Санкт-Петербургское общество терапевтов имени С.П.Боткина).
16. Крепкова Л.В., А.Н. Бабенко, С.В. Лемясева, О.С. Кузина, Шарофова М.У. Регуляция нарушений липидного профиля у крыс экстрактом красных листьев винограда. IV Междун. научно-практическая конференция “Роль женщин-учёных в развитии науки, инноваций и технологий” 15-17 августа, 2023, г.Худжанд, Таджикистан, с. 97-105.
17. Шарофова М.У., Самиева Ш.Ш., Сагдиева Ш.С. Исследование молекулярного состава надземных частей Nigella sativa L., произрастающей в Таджикистане. IV Международная научно-практическая конференция “Роль женщин-учёных в развитии науки, инноваций и технологий”, 2023.- с. 85-93.